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If you were to pass, is a plan in place to ensure your loved ones are financially protected?

How much is the lifetime income void your passing would create?

Use this calculator to determine how much life insurance coverage is needed in the case of a householder earner’s passing. 

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Income & Savings - Step 1 of 4
Years of Coverage

How long would your beneficiary(ies) have needed to rely on the your income? Commonly, you'd want to enter years until retirement or life expectancy remaining.

Annual Income

What would be the annual income void left if you passed away? This should be the approximate difference between your total household expenses and the income lost by your passing.

Total Savings & Investments

What is the net worth you'd leave behind? You'll want to include:

  • IRAs & Roths
  • 401(k)s, 403(b)s & Pensions
  • Bank accounts
  • Brokerage accounts (stocks, ETFs, cryptocurrency, etc.)
  • Coverage from an existing life insurance policy or annuity

Did you know...

We are an independent firm.

This means we are not tied to any insurance company. Therefore, we have the ability to search for the right product across a wide range of reputable insurance companies according to your needs.

We assist you throughout the insurance application process by:

  • Informing you of the information needed to begin the application process and completing the paperwork in your behalf
  • Acting as your agent with the insurance company, ensuring they’re performing their due diligence in a timely manner
  • Communicating to you any further requirements from the insurance company during their review process
  • Following through until the policy is in place

We assist you after your insurance policy is in force by:

  • Aiding with policy administration (address change, beneficiary change, etc.)
  • Acting as agent for your beneficiaries by assisting with death claims in the event of your passing